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Mission/Vision Statement

I. As saints of Antioch it is our ultimate mission to win souls for Christ, through prayer, witnessing, teaching and preaching God's Word.


II.  To train and nurture the saints to develop and mature in the Lord.

III.  We want to give our youth an opportunity to express and develop their God given gift.

IV.  We want to allow our senior saints an opportunity to work in the church.

V.  As saints of God, we have a mandate from God to strive continually to reach higher heights and deeper depths in the Lord. 

     Our mission is to take Antioch to a level that will be pleasing in the eyesight of God.

VI.  As we strive to work together in love and harmony God will open up windows in heaven and pour out blessings upon Antioch 

      that we will not have room enough to receive.

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